If you have reached this page, it is because you want to know more details about my petition for the Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP to perform my cesarean section, and to know a little more about the history of my pregnancy.
My name is Clairé Hills. I am intersex and transgender, and I recently learned that there are several types of intersex and transgender people with different types of genetic variations, but medicine and doctors hide this from everyone. I don't know why, but this causes us great injustice, torture and pain. What doctors have been doing to me and my baby is inhumane, cruel and monstrous, trying to hide my pregnancy due to several criminal medical practices to try to make me abort or kill myself and my baby. I want to share my story with everyone so that we can stop this murderous behavior of people due to ideologies, regardless of sexual orientation, religion, party or any other difference. We are human, not monsters!
The Story of My Pregnancy
Some time ago, after I had started my gender transition with endocrinology medical care, I started to bleed and then, after a medical consultation, I discovered that I was menstruating. After menstruating, I started to feel symptoms of pregnancy: I weighed 68 kg, but I started to gain weight, I would wake up in the middle of the night with strong nausea, dizziness, I started to smell more strongly than I had ever smelled before and I had cramps in my stomach. After a few episodes of these symptoms, my husband Ricárdo Soares noticed that I was experiencing all the symptoms of pregnancy and asked me if I had noticed it too. We bought a pregnancy test from the pharmacy and it came back positive for pregnancy. That was when I really realized that something was happening to me and changing my body and senses.
We went to Leforte Morumbi Hospital complaining of cramps, nausea and pregnancy symptoms . When they performed a CT scan on me, at the request of the doctor who treated me in the emergency room, I felt very ill. I asked to call my husband, but they didn't. The medical team said they found a fetus inside me and then I fainted. After I woke up, they called my husband and we returned to the hospital waiting room. After a while, I saw that the head doctor on duty entered the room where the doctor had treated me and took a while to leave. When he left, I saw that he was nervous and shaking his head negatively because the doctor said she had found a fetus inside me. Soon after, the doctor called us and told me to take the image of the fetus to my endocrinologist so he could assess what to do, since the hospital was only an emergency room.
Returning to one of my appointments with my endocrinologist, we showed the CT scan image that the doctor told us to show to my endocrinologist, and he said three times: this shouldn't be here. This shouldn't be here. This shouldn't be here.
My husband and I insisted on knowing what he was referring to, but he didn't answer us, even though I told him that the medical team at Leforte Morumbi Hospital had said that they had found a fetus inside me.
In subsequent appointments with my endocrinologist, my husband and I noticed that he was listening to/measuring the heartbeat in my belly with his stethoscope and counting the heartbeats on his watch, but he didn't tell us anything either. We insisted on the pregnancy and he referred us to a joint appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist who is a colleague of his at the Hospital das Clínicas and the USP School of Medicine.
When I went to see this obstetrician-gynecologist, he began to examine me and said that it might hurt a little to feel my belly. When he pressed his hands against the lower part of my belly, he and I felt my baby move, and he was dismayed and surprised. He jumped back in fright and asked me if I had had sex reassignment surgery. I said no. Then he asked me to look at my genitals to confirm that I had not had any sex reassignment surgery. He was surprised, said that he did not know how, but I had gotten pregnant , and left the room to talk to his assistant. When he returned, he said that he could not follow me because he only saw CIS women (who were born female) and prescribed us orders for blood tests and ultrasound, and told us not to mention the pregnancy to the next doctor, to let the doctor and the laboratory staff figure it out for themselves. He also did not want to charge for the consultation, which was private, even though we insisted on paying.
Below, some MRI images showing my baby formed, and my physical gestational evolution:
After these confirmations, I tried to find a doctor or hospital that would follow my pregnancy. They referred me to different specialist doctors to find any disease or problem. I underwent different types of tests to detect all types of diseases or endocrinological problems, but they found nothing wrong, and they also refused to report or monitor my pregnancy. And I continued to feel severe pain in my belly and lower back, and all the symptoms of my pregnancy.
We went to several hospitals, such as Albert Einstein Morumbi (including one of the obstetrician-gynecologists I consulted privately, who is a professor at the USP School of Medicine and was applying to CREMESP; he accompanied an MRI we had at Albert Einstein Morumbi along with the head of the imaging team, and the head of the imaging team at Albert Einstein looked at me in surprise and dismay after the MRI was finished, which caught my and my husband's attention because we realized that he knew I was pregnant but still didn't report it and wrote in the report that everything was normal with me) , Vila Nova Star Vila Nova Conceição, São Luiz Morumbi and Itaim Bibi, Santa Catarina, Santa Joana, Santa Paula, Sepaco, Edmundo de Vasconcelos, Sírio Libanês, clinics specialized in intersex and transgender people, laboratories such as A+, Delboni and Alta Diagnósticos, but they all did everything they could to not report or certify my pregnancy, even though it appeared. clearly the baby in several MRI images in different laboratories, but they acted in a way that attempted to take my life and that of my baby, to cover up the case and the criminal conduct they committed against me and my baby. And during all this time, I was feeling severe pain, as the pregnancy progressed and all the symptoms of pregnancy.
Below, different MRI images showing my baby and my physical state of pregnancy evolving, I was gaining weight due to the pregnancy:
Below, audios of different doctors confirming my pregnancy during consultations, and explaining several other clinical factors why I had become pregnant:
In the audios above, the doctor confirms that the use of female hormones alone does not produce prolactin (the hormone that produces milk) and other pregnancy hormones, and that medicine will not confirm my pregnancy. Why is that?
In the audio above, during a medical examination in a laboratory in São Paulo, the doctor, very professional and attentive, found it strange that my obstetrician-gynecologist at Hospital das Clínicas FMUSP had requested a Digital Mammography and did not let me perform that exam, because according to her it is an exam with radiation not indicated for pregnant women, and requested in writing that my obstetrician-gynecologist explain the reasons why he was requesting this type of exam, since she herself had confirmed my pregnancy and was still excited because it was a rare case.
So, me and my husband, we realized that the obstetrician-gynecologist at Hospital das Clínicas FMUSP requested that Digital Mammography exam precisely with the intention of harming me and my baby, knowing that I was pregnant.
We have filed a complaint about all these facts, up to this point, with the Civil Police of São Paulo and with CREMESP, but both ignored us, did not investigate the complaints and evidence we sent, and closed the case.
After consulting with a law firm, they suggested we go to the Hospital das Clínicas of the Faculty of Medicine of USP, as it was the largest medical and medical study center in Latin America and they would certainly help me with my pregnancy.
My husband and I tried to schedule an appointment at the Hospital das Clínicas through our health insurance, but the date was months in advance. So, we researched the obstetrician-gynecologists who worked at the Hospital das Clínicas FMUSP to schedule a private consultation. We found an obstetrician-gynecologist who I went to see in an attempt to get the proper care for my pregnancy, but she followed the same procedure as all the doctors, hospitals, clinics and laboratories I had previously been to, and said that it was not pregnancy, that the movements in my belly were cysts or a tumor, and referred me to a colleague of hers, who works at the Transgender Care Clinic at the Hospital das Clínicas of FMUSP through the SUS.
At the Transgender Care Clinic at the Hospital das Clínicas of FMUSP, I told the doctor my whole story. We shared all the documents, photos and records of my pregnancy and the baby, and he requested more tests, but through the SUS itself, and informed me that some tests could take months to be scheduled. We did some that were scheduled quickly through the SUS, at the Hospital das Clínicas outpatient clinic itself, and we did others through our health insurance.
In one of them, the Digital Mammography exam that we scheduled at Alta Diagnósticos, the doctor who was going to conduct the exam asked me why the doctor was requesting that type of exam, since there was radiation, and she saw that I was pregnant. She informed me that there was another type of mammography that could have been requested, by ultrasound for example, and wrote a letter to the doctor indicating that he should request this type of mammography by ultrasound, due to my pregnancy status. In addition, we did a new MRI at Alta Diagnóstico, but, although the baby appeared and we asked why they did not report the image of the baby in my MRI images, they also did not mention anything in the report, stating that everything was normal. And obviously it was not normal. At the very least, there was something inside me, the reason for the abdominal growth and pain in my belly and back, but even so, the laboratories did not want to report what it was, they simply wrote that everything was normal with my health.
After that, I felt very sick one night, with severe nausea, pain and dizziness, and my husband took me to the emergency room at the Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP, where health insurance is available. There, the doctor on duty confirmed that I was pregnant, which was not a tumor or cyst, because according to her, cysts or tumors did not move. She said that my case was very interesting because the most common thing was for CIS women to be unable to get pregnant, and when they investigated, the woman had a male sex inside. In my case, my external phenotype was male and internally it was female, which is why I had gotten pregnant. She decided to hospitalize me for care with my pregnancy and for the medical team at the Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP to study my case and help me have the baby.
I had some tests that she requested at the emergency room. They admitted me, and during the first few hours of my hospitalization, an endocrinologist came to visit me and learn about my case. During that time, my husband went home to get some clothes and personal belongings for the hospitalization. In the meantime, the endocrinologist had called the obstetrician-gynecologist I had previously seen privately, who referred me to the Hospital das Clínicas FMUSP through the SUS, and also called the doctor at the Transgender People's Outpatient Clinic, who told me to discharge me from the hospital. I called my husband to tell him what had happened, and he asked me not to sign anything or accept the discharge until he arrived. When he returned to the Hospital das Clínicas FMUSP, he asked to speak to the endocrinologist and find out why they wanted to discharge me, since the doctor on duty had admitted me specifically for the care of my pregnancy. He said he had spoken to the obstetrician-gynecologists I had consulted and they had asked me to be discharged. My husband refused to discharge me and said that we would stay until the Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP could continue to care for my pregnancy. The endocrinologist, dismayed and trembling, said that the area was dangerous for people in labor and that there was no flow of gynecologists, and that it was dangerous for me, and that the SUS doctor who was accompanying me could help me deliver the baby in the best way possible. My husband asked what a woman in labor was, and the endocrinologist said that she was a woman who had or was going to have a baby, and that if we were taking the risk of staying in the hospital, he would respect that.
The next day, early in the morning, the obstetrician-gynecologist who was no longer monitoring me clinically, as she had referred me to the SUS doctor at the Transgender People's Outpatient Clinic at the Hospital das Clínicas FMUSP, suddenly appeared in the room where I was hospitalized. She asked us why I was hospitalized, since she said it wasn't a baby, but rather a tumor or cyst. My husband and I responded that the doctor on duty admitted us because she had identified my pregnancy, and that the movements she felt in my belly were not a tumor or cyst. The doctor on duty confirmed that a tumor or cyst does not move like the fetal movements in my belly that she felt, and that is why she admitted me for appropriate care. The obstetrician-gynecologist then left the room, nervous, saying that she would call the psychiatrist. During my 10-day hospitalization at the Instituto Central do Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP, several psychiatrists came to talk to me and my husband, and their entire conduct there was intended to refer my case to psychiatry and hide my pregnancy. In fact, during an MRI exam, which they performed on me under anesthesia, my husband could not accompany me, as he always did in other laboratories and hospitals, and due to his absence during the exam, I came back with a sore anus, a sore and bruised mouth, as if I had been abused during the MRI. I reported it to the doctor on duty and she said that I could file a complaint at the hospital. I chose not to file a complaint at that time because I was focused on caring for my pregnancy and performing a cesarean section. On the day of my discharge, they held a meeting with us and informed me that my case should be studied at the Instituto de Psiquiatria, to investigate a possible phantom pregnancy. My husband and I left there and never returned because we clearly realized the criminal behavior they wanted to lead us to. In fact, it was during the consultation at the emergency room of the Hospital das Clínicas of FMUSP for hospitalization that we realized that all the doctors I consulted and asked for help knew each other and worked there, all from the USP School of Medicine, because the doctor on duty confirmed to us that they all worked there and knew each other.
Below, audios of doctors from Hospital das Clínicas confirming my pregnancy and admitting me for care for my pregnancy:
Very professional, attentive and friendly doctor admitted me to the Hospital das Clínicas FMSUP for care during my pregnancy
In the audio below, the endocrinologist who visited me at the Hospital das Clínicas FMUSP said that he had spoken to the obstetrician-gynecologists I had consulted and they had asked me to be discharged. My husband refused to be discharged and said that we would stay until the Hospital das Clínicas FMUSP could continue to care for my pregnancy. The endocrinologist, dismayed and trembling, said that that area was dangerous for people in labor and that there was no flow of gynecologists, and it was dangerous for me, and that the SUS doctor who was accompanying me could help me deliver the baby in the best way possible. My husband asked what a woman in labor was, and the endocrinologist said that she was a woman who had or was going to have a baby, and that if we were taking the risk of staying in the hospital, he would respect that.
Endocrinologist at Hospital das Clínicas FMSUP trying to discharge me
Photos of my hospitalization at Hospital das Clínicas FMUSP and bruises/injuries that some nurses gave me on purpose
After that, I reported and registered the facts and suspicious and criminal behavior that they did to me during my hospitalization, to investigate and have care for my pregnancy, to the ombudsman's office of the Central Institute of the Hospital das Clínicas of FMUSP, and to the municipal, state and federal health departments, but nothing was investigated or even contacted for further clarification. Lastly, I registered it with the State Public Prosecutor's Office of SP, which also archived the case several times, in several prosecutor's offices, saying that there were no relevant facts, despite having sent the audios of everything that we reported in the criminal complaint.
We tried again to have private consultations with other obstetrician-gynecologists, including referrals from colleagues, friends and family, who had the same suspicious and criminal medical conduct, and despite trying to hide other clinical exams that indicated my pregnancy, such as high estradiol and high prolactin, it was clear that they continued to try to leave me without the necessary care for my pregnancy.
Below are the estradiol and prolactin levels that prove my pregnancy, information that we only found out much later:
In another attempt, we were referred to Novamed Bradesco to continue with the care for my pregnancy there . The obstetrician-gynecologist began monitoring my pregnancy, with ICD Z34 (supervision of a normal pregnancy, without complications) and ICD Z01.4 (routine gynecological (general) examination), but soon after contacting the doctors at the Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP, he changed his mind and did not continue with my pregnancy monitoring.
We requested the International Second Medical Opinion service from Bradesco Saúde, and they simply closed the registration without a response from the international second medical opinion. We registered complaints with Bradesco Saúde and they responded with completely different subjects from those we registered the complaints, clearly falsifying the records of the complaints and diverting the case of my pregnancy and the subject of my complaint to the SAC.
Below are the referrals of medical requests with codes Z34 and Z01.4:
We sought international help because we realized that none of the doctors we consulted here in Brazil wanted to help me and continue with the care for my pregnancy, and the authorities we sought out (CREMESP, Civil Police of SP and Public Ministry of SP) also did not want to investigate the doctors, as if they were all protecting themselves and hiding my pregnancy to keep the case hidden until a tragic and silent end for me and my baby, without medical care and without help from the authorities that we pay so much taxes to protect us from criminals, who we now realize are the vast majority of them.
We applied for international healthcare and shared all my medical records and MRI images to the Hospitals:
Mayo Clinic Rochester - MN, USA : a clinic specializing in transgender care responded that they could not provide specialized obstetric care for my condition after we shared all my medical records with the contact details of doctors in Brazil. What do you mean? A clinic specializing in treatments for transgender and transsexual people could not provide me with specialized obstetric care for my condition? Very suspicious. We realized that as soon as they received my medical records from Brazil, they quickly denied my care with nonsensical responses.
USZ University Hospital of Zurich, Switzerland: informed that my case was very complex and beyond the Hospital's expertise...? First world University Hospital, doesn't have expertise for new cases?
King's College Hospital, London, UK: We had a video call consultation. The doctor confirmed my pregnancy after we sent all the documentation and tests done in Brazil, which showed the baby, and other tests that also confirmed my pregnancy. He said he would perform my C-section. Despite his concern about the flight to London, as they might refuse my boarding due to my pregnancy, he congratulated us (because I was pregnant) and hoped to see us in London, at the hospital . After contacting the doctors in Brazil, he changed his mind and said that the case was very complex and beyond his expertise. He said that it was not advisable to travel to the United Kingdom under these circumstances. He could not help us, and that we should seek medical help in Brazil.
Below are the audio recordings of my consultation with a senior clinical professor, with a master's degree in fetal medicine and prenatal genetics, a specialist in obstetrics, as well as a PhD in his field, from King's College Hospital, confirming my pregnancy, congratulating us and saying I would like to see him at King's College Hospital to perform my cesarean section:
1 - First Consultation - King's College Hospital
2 - First Consultation - King's College Hospital
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston-MA, USA: followed the same standard response as King's College Hospital, stating that it was more advisable to continue seeking help in nearby countries that are more friendly to the LGBT community, and that long-distance travel was not advisable.
Johns Hopkins, Baltimore-MD, USA: Although they identified and questioned us about my pregnancy being ectopic , they also refused to accept me for care for my pregnancy, since they contacted the doctors in Brazil and then changed their minds. It was at this point that my husband and I realized that it could be an ectopic pregnancy, and that there were serious risks involved in this type of pregnancy.
With all these negative responses, my husband and I went to London, UK, to try to get care for my pregnancy at King’s College Hospital, hoping that once there, the obstetrician-gynecologist would perform my cesarean section.
In London, I felt sick at the hotel, felt dizzy, fell in the bathroom and hurt my foot. My husband took me to the emergency room at Saint Mary's Hospital and there they sent us to Saint Mary's Maternity in the Clarence building, as they saw that I was pregnant. At the maternity ward, the medical team took me for some clinical exams and asked my husband to wait outside in the maternity ward. The medical team performed a CT scan (a test that assesses the well-being of the fetus during pregnancy) and for the first time I heard my baby's heartbeat. They performed a palpation test and felt my baby move. Then they asked for my husband and took us to the delivery room, where there were 2 cribs and other equipment for pregnant women. My husband asked if the medical team had felt my baby and they confirmed that they had, and that they would do several tests to find out more precisely how my baby was doing. Other members of the medical team also came to the room where I was and felt the fetal movements and confirmed that I was pregnant. One of them even said that it felt like a little snake was moving around in my belly. They asked us to share the medical exams from Brazil and after we shared them, the medical team at Saint Mary's contacted the doctors in Brazil and, more than desperately, expelled us from the room, informing us not to return to the Maternity Ward. After my husband insisted on a referral to return to the emergency department at Saint Mary's Hospital, they gave us a paper without a signature or any further information. We left there very upset and shocked by the criminal medical conduct they had done to me and my baby, in a country that seemed serious, ethical and respectful, and even after the medical team at Saint Mary's had confirmed my pregnancy, felt the fetal movements and heard the heartbeat. We have everything recorded and have already forwarded it to the ombudsman at Imperial College Saint Mary's Hospital, the authorities in the United Kingdom, the Parliamentary Health Services Ombudsman (PHSO) and the London Metropolitan Police, UK.
Delivery room no. 4 at Saint Mary's Maternity Hospital, in the image above, and below the video I recorded as evidence of the criminal conduct carried out by the Saint Mary's Maternity Hospital team:
Corruption and Criminal Neglecting in Brazilian Medicine and abroad
Below are the audios recorded at Saint Mary's maternity hospital in London, UK, during my stay in delivery room no. 4, where it is possible to see the medical team heading the fetal heartbeat and feeling the baby movements, and even confirming my baby's kicks in my tummy:
BCF - Fetal Heart Rate
1 - StMary's Delivery Room 4 - Initial care - my baby's heartbeat
2 - StMary's Delivery Room 4 - Medical team confirming my pregnancy
3 - StMary's Delivery Room 4 - Medical team confirming my pregnancy
4 - StMary's Delivery Room 4 - Medical team confirming fetal moviments - "kicks"
After this terrible and criminal medical care at Saint Mary's Maternity Hospital , we tried to get care for my pregnancy at King's College Hospital, and they did the same thing there, diverting my pregnancy case. They did an MRI scan that showed everything was normal, but without the images of the sagittal section where my baby appears, and they tried everything to prevent us from continuing with any care for my pregnancy. In fact, in the response from the hospital's ombudsman, the doctor confirmed that the tests in Brazil indicated pregnancy, and that he did not find any psychological problems in me or my husband. We also registered the case with the ombudsman at King's College Hospital and with the London Metropolitan Police in the UK. I hope they investigate seriously. I'm not so sure anymore.
Below is another pregnancy test I took in London that result as positive for my pregnancy:
In the last few days before we returned to Brazil, I felt sick again and we went to the emergency room at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital , where they did some more blood tests, but they didn't find any health problems, and they said that it could possibly have been a kidney stone that had already been expelled . If the pain continued, we would have to go back to the emergency room.
The next day, I felt sick again and had severe abdominal and lower back pain. We went back to the emergency room at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital , and my husband noticed that my last name was wrong when I first went to the emergency room. He asked the emergency room reception to correct my name, and we waited to be seen. When they called me in for my appointment, we explained to the doctor everything that was happening to me, the pain, the movements in my stomach, and the nausea and vomiting. The doctor asked us for a few minutes, left the room, and came back with syringes and blood collectors to collect my blood. We thought this was suspicious because, when I first went to the emergency room at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, it was a nurse who collected my blood, not a doctor . Just like in other hospitals, it was always the nurses who collected or collect the patients' blood.
The doctor then punctured my vein in my left arm and began to collect blood. At the end, he tried to inject some liquid into my vein with a syringe, but he was shaky and nervous and was unable to inject the liquid into my vein, causing my blood to spill out into the room . He removed the access from my vein, put some cotton in the puncture site and asked me to hold it. He asked for a few minutes and left the room. My husband and I thought that was strange , but before we could take pictures, he returned with another type of access to collect blood again, but this time from my left wrist. He kept poking my vein, as if he wanted to close it . I complained and he stopped, and then he managed to collect blood from my left wrist. Soon after, he asked me and my husband to wait in the hospital emergency room reception. A few minutes later, the doctor came out of the emergency room with a urine collector and asked me to collect the urine and leave it with another doctor in the emergency area, and he hurried out wearing a black and yellow hospital helmet, looking a bit distraught . I collected the urine and we waited to be called.
About an hour later, the same doctor called us back for a follow-up appointment. He told us that he had not found any health problems, and although we insisted that he request an MRI to check the movement and pain in my belly, he said that he could not do it and that if I felt any more pain, I should go back to the emergency room. I also asked for medicine for the pain in my left wrist, when he kept poking my vein, but he discharged us quickly without caring and did not give me any pain medicine . We left there confused and scared because he had clearly tried to inject something into my vein and failed . He was confused and upset by what had happened and did not want to continue any further medical investigation during that appointment. We also filed a complaint with the ombudsman of Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, the UK authorities, the Parliamentary Health Services Ombudsman (PHSO) and the London Metropolitan Police.
Back in Brazil, we sought care at the Albert Sabin Hospital Maternity Ward in Atibaia. The obstetrician-gynecologist examined me, felt my baby, confirmed that estradiol levels do increase during pregnancy, as does prolactin, and that she would try to talk to the hospital's medical team about performing my cesarean section. She already knew about my pregnancy and started my prenatal procedures, and requested some tests at that hospital and that we send the previous tests.
When we returned, the doctor told us that the medical team at the Albert Sabin Hospital Maternity Ward in Atibaia did not want to help perform the cesarean section, and according to her, the same doctors told her not to see me and to refer me to other specialists. She confirmed that the images of my baby did not indicate a mummified baby (a hypothesis of another obstetrician-gynecologist, with whom I consulted in São José dos Campos), otherwise it would not be moving, but she could not help me.
In the audios below, at the Maternity Ward of the Albert Sabin Hospital in Atibaia, the obstetrician-gynecologist confirms my pregnancy, explains several physiological factors of my body and hormones, which are produced by the woman's body during pregnancy/gestation, why some doctors do not want to take care of my pregnancy and perform my cesarean section, and that intersexuality has always existed:
In the audio below, at the Maternity Ward of the Albert Sabin Hospital in Atibaia, the obstetrician-gynecologist confirms that it is not a mummified baby because she felt fetal movements when she examined me during prenatal care:
In another attempt at prenatal care, my husband and I went to the Vila Nova Cachoeirinha Maternity Hospital in the capital of São Paulo . There, the maternity hospital's medical team identified my pregnancy as high-risk (ICD Z35) and urgent and advised us to schedule prenatal care at the maternity hospital itself .
We were able to schedule a prenatal appointment at the Vila Nova Cachoeirinha Maternity Hospital and started my prenatal care. The medical team that attended to me next requested some tests and the gynecologist asked me to have an MRI at Cura Laboratórios and wrote in the request for a report by her colleague . We scheduled the MRI, and on the day, the Cura Laboratórios team itself noticed that I was pregnant and referred me to have the MRI done in another machine/area of the laboratory, indicated for pregnant women . I had the MRI and the doctor's colleague reported that " everything was normal ". The medical team at the Vila Nova Cachoeirinha Maternity Hospital held a discharge meeting with the maternity hospital's management, and they told me and my husband that my case was too complex to be treated by that medical team, and so they referred us to the Vila Mariana CRT.
At the Vila Mariana CRT, the psychologist director of the Center for Care and Support for Trans and Intersex People received me and my husband with great indignation, saying that the Vila Nova Cachoeirinha Maternity Hospital had the resources to care for my pregnancy and that they had referred me due to negligence. He said that they had agreements with other hospitals and maternity wards, such as Amparo Maternal and Hospital São Paulo da UNIFESP, and that they could later do additional genetic tests to find out which genetic variation of mine made the pregnancy possible, since there are many sexual genetic variations. After a few consultations and suspicious behaviors at that unit, one of them was when the social worker accompanied me to collect blood, but did not let my husband accompany me, stating in a completely false way that the room where they were going to collect my blood was small and would not fit my husband. The social worker looked at the nurse who was going to collect my blood in a suspicious manner. The nurse asked me not to look during the collection, and after the collection, she looked at the social worker and waved that she was finished, saying "there you go." After this suspicious blood collection, I began to have frequent headaches, and they were strange and sudden.
At another point, the social worker and a psychologist separated my husband and I for separate appointments, as if they were collecting information about our lives, our family circle, friends and work. After that, the team at CRT Vila Mariana told us that they could not continue with the care of my pregnancy, did not request an analysis of my baby's MRI images and other medical records that we had previously shared with that team, and also did not refer us to Hospital São Paulo UNIFESP, as the psychologist director of that Center for Care and Support for Trans and Intersex People said, in addition to questioning whether the fetal heartbeat was from an exam that I had taken. Although we sent an email asking if they had analyzed my medical records, they did not respond.
Below in the audios, the director and psychologist of the Center for Comprehensive Health Care and Outpatient Clinic and Support for Trans and Intersex People, with a PhD in Social Psychology from the University of São Paulo/USP, confirms my pregnancy, explains that there are several types of intersexuality, said he would refer me to the UNIFESP gonad outpatient clinic and refer me to a medical team to perform my cesarean section, and at no time did he diagnose me with psychological problems, which proves again that they all know about my pregnancy and are negligently trying to hide it and make me abort:
Below in the audios, moments of when blood was collected for tests, the social worker and nurse at CRT Vila Mariana denied my husband entry to accompany me during the exam, saying that the room was small, but they lied because the room had enough space, including several other people who came and went there during my blood collecting:
In the MRI images below, from Alta Laboratórios, requested by other doctors who I tried for support and care during my pregnancy, my baby also clearly appears in the exams performed:
After all these suspicious and criminal behaviors carried out by a "Center for Assistance and Support for Trans and Intersex People", we didn't know who to turn to because the LGBTQIA+ community itself didn't want to help me, on several occasions. We had already tried to ask for help from NGOs that welcome transgender and transsexual people, communities, artists, transgender deputies, but none of them wanted to help me.
My husband then filed a criminal complaint with the Federal Police, and we shared all the medical records, audios from several doctors confirming the pregnancy, recordings and responses from international hospitals, which confirmed my pregnancy. The Federal Police then responded that, given the seriousness of the facts, they forwarded the case to the Public Prosecutor's Office of São Paulo, the competent body at the state level.
The Public Prosecutor's Office of São Paulo, in turn, and only this time, requested that the Municipal Health Department of São Paulo take steps to care for my health, my pregnancy.
Shortly after, CRPOP TT - Comprehensive Health Reference Center for the Transvestite and Transsexual Population called me, as they had received a request to offer psychological services due to an abortion I had suffered. I said that I had not suffered an abortion and that my baby and I needed a medical team to perform my cesarean section, and did not need psychological support after the abortion.
A few days later, the Geraldo de Paula Souza Health Center at the University of São Paulo called me, saying that the technical supervision team had asked me to contact them to offer medical services to monitor the aging trans population. I said that I didn't need medical services for the aging trans population, but rather a medical team to perform my cesarean section. The social worker then said that he could offer the Health Center's prenatal services and scheduled the first appointment.
At the Geraldo de Paula Souza Health School, the social worker confirmed that he had contacted me about my pregnancy and they started prenatal procedures with me and my husband. We went through some prenatal guidance sessions. We went to the obstetrician-gynecologist who started my prenatal care, who requested some routine exams and prescribed me the routine medications, in addition to saying that he would refer me to the Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP because it was a high-risk pregnancy.
After I had undergone the clinical exams, the Geraldo de Paula Souza School Health Center contacted us to bring forward my follow-up appointment with the obstetrician-gynecologist. We thought it was strange, but we went. At this follow-up appointment, the obstetrician-gynecologist told us that, according to him, my pregnancy had stopped and that it was no longer progressing. He told us that he would refer me to the Hospital das Clínicas FMUSP because, according to him, it might not be a viable pregnancy and suggested that I have an abortion, and that my pregnancy case would no longer be in the Obstetrics area but in the Gynecology area. The obstetrician-gynecologist also told us that I should take Methotrexate, which, according to him, was an abortive medication. He also told us that the Hospital das Clínicas FMUSP did not want to accept me to continue high-risk prenatal care, but would accept me to perform the abortion. However, my husband and I did not accept this referral from the obstetrician to the Hospital das Clínicas FMUSP to have the abortion, because as we mentioned and proved, the baby is alive, and other doctors felt and feel the baby move, as well as we also informed and sent to the medical team at the Geraldo de Paula Souza School Health Center the baby's fetal heartbeat and recent documentary confirmations also from other doctors and maternity hospitals confirming the fetal heartbeat and my high-risk pregnancy, and according to the social worker and nurse present at the follow-up appointment for my high-risk prenatal care, they knew that everything we were reporting and proving with documents was true.
The social worker and the nurse then suggested checking with the technical supervision what the next medical procedure to follow for referral to the Hospital das Clínicas FMUSP was. My husband still asked and insisted with the obstetrician why he didn't do a CT scan to listen to the baby's heartbeat, but they also refused to do it, as if they wanted to hide any new proof of my baby's life.
Then, they referred me to a gynecologist from the Geraldo de Paula Souza Health School, who simply told us that she believed in us and asked us to wait a week to see with technical supervision what the next steps would be to refer me to the Hospital das Clínicas FMUSP, in addition to prescribing the medication Meclin 25 mg to reduce nausea, an uncomfortable part of pregnancy, since on the day of the appointment, I arrived with high blood pressure (16 over 9), due to having been sick all day, not sleeping well, and feeling strong abdominal and lower back pain. In addition, the gynecologist asked me to measure my blood pressure for a week at the Geraldo de Paula Souza Health School to make sure that I did not have any blood pressure problems.
Now, my husband and I do not understand why the medical team at the Geraldo de Paula Souza School Health Center is referring me to a general practitioner at the Geraldo de Paula Souza School Health Center itself, even though the obstetrician and gynecologist who previously treated me know and confirmed my pregnancy, and know that it is high risk. We even shared medical records from other professionals and maternity hospitals that confirmed the pregnancy as high risk, but they seem to be avoiding referring me to perform a cesarean section at the Hospital das Clínicas FMUSP, since, according to the obstetrician, the Geraldo de Paula Souza School Health Center does not have the structure to treat high-risk pregnancies.
I am now asking for everyone's help and support to sign my petition free of charge and to raise awareness among the medical profession to perform my cesarean section, despite their unethical beliefs and oaths not to approve or treat what is not in the medical literature, and for public authorities to investigate this entire criminal scheme within the health sector here in Brazil, because these attitudes are not those of professionals or human beings, they are the attitudes of murderous monsters. These were acts of torture and attempted murder against me and my baby, and all the evidence, documentary records and audios are already with the authorities.
If we let this continue, this type of criminality will certainly affect each of us, whether through a family member or close relative who may be experiencing this criminal medical misconduct, or through you yourself when you seek medical care.
What if it were you? Would you like to see a child, father or mother go through everything that I went through and am going through in "modern" medicine?
Sign the Petition - it's free!
Respect for Birth Rights for Intersex and Transgender Pregnancies